Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 4- cravings galore

Meal 1- Fruit Nut Bar
Meal 2- Apple Oatmeal
Meal 3- Strawberry Shake
Meal 4- Browie- woot woot, amazing
Meal 6- leanNgreen-   Grilled Chicken, Spinach salad
Meal 7- Chocolate pudding--  seriously yum

Snack- 1 tsp natural PB   ( My health coach says that PB isn't on the plan anymore, so I won't partake of that again any time soon)
Snack- Sugar free jello

Water- about 90ish fl oz.    This was the easiest part of the day!   I just kept drinking and drinking and wanting more!    fyi- not peeing as much either!

Cravings-   to crave something... I should probably look up the word Crave in the dictionary right about now.. but I'm too tired..      I was pretty much hungry the entire day... weird... I just kept thinking about carbohydrates...

I was told that in the first few days I would feel groggy... tired... achy... and today was that day.  My health coach says it's because my body is detoxing from the funk.    I pushed through though!!!

Small steps---   Every Friday morning my co workers gather for breakfast.  Everyone takes turns buying bagels.   I usually look forward to this every Friday as I love me some bagels.   This Friday- I had my big ol bottle of water and I sat there participating in conversations without even batting an eye at those darn bagels in the middle of the table.    It felt good to resist. :)  My co worker continues to say I look smaller already..   HOW COUlD THIS BE?  

Changes I see already-
1- I can breathe better. Hubs said the past two nights I haven't snored as much. Embarrassing I know.. Just trying to keep it real.
2-my clothes seemed to fit better today
3-I found myself actually looking at my surroundings more as I walked from place to place through out the day!    This is actually a big deal when you think of it-  my confidence is already increasing because I am holding my head up high.. literally and figuratively!   As I walked around the grocery store, gathering my 'lean and green' I found myself actually looking at the people I passed.  Obviously this must be a change because I noticed that I was doing it.  I have found that New Jersey has a way of making you jump on the cynical train... the keep to yourself don't smile at anyone train..  But that's not me!!   I am a smile at every single person you see kind of person.  I am a hold your head up high and notice your surroundings kind of person!   To me this small change is the biggest one so far.

Challenges I will face tomorrow-  a baby shower and a party at my in-laws

Plan of attack-   eat my lean n green in the morning-  egg beater spinach omelet , and then just bring my medifast meals with me and eat them as I need to.  aaannndd bring my big ol water bottle with me everywhere I go.

Day 5 , you are going down!  As my bestie Katie says-   "Time to Beat this down!"  


  1. Love the changes! Smiles and eye contact-love it! Love you! Really enjoyed catching up on this first week!
