Day 63- week 9 weigh in- +4.8
This number will not define me. I can list lots of reasons for this weight gain but I won't. I'm not dwelling on this too much or my head will start doing crazy things.
Reality- I ate off plan, Virginia is in town and the week prior I lost 7.8.
Reality- I will not give up. Sure, I am frustrated. Sure, I have been feeling down about it. But my pitty party stops here. Time to steer that wagon into victory!
I chose a salad today at my work luncheon instead of a sandwhich, chips and cookie.
I drank lots of water today.
and I MUST keep moving forward!!! Turning back is not an option.
Here's to brighter days ahead!!!!!
hey girl! i love you!!!!! brighter days ahead is right!! xoxo