Friday, February 1, 2013

February 1st- 30 Day Domestic Diva Challenge

30 Day Cleaning Challenge!
I came home from work one day to a letter from a dear dear friend with a 30 day Cleaning Schedule enclosed!   We were roommates for years and I always admired her fierce diligence to keeping the house clean.  She would even scrub the baseboards about once a week ! I mean, who does that?  I guess I probably should. :)    She has read my blog and knows that one of my goals this year is to be a Domestic Diva.  I am so thankful for this Schedule!    So today is Day 1 of the Cleaning Challenge! 
My typical cleaning routine is to do everything in one day but then I feel stressed about it.  So my new goal is to do a little every day.
Day 1- Surface Clean-  Living room and Kitchen (pick up, dust, sweet, and vacuum)  I got this! 


  1. Woo girl!!!! I hope you are feeling better today!!
    Awesome cleaning a pic of it?
    LOVE YOU!!!

  2. Hmmm I haven't heard much about this since you posted. How's it going? With the big snow coming you will have plenty of time to get ahead if it's gotten behind. :)
